
Vaccinium membranaceum grafting #440229

Asked February 11, 2018, 4:23 PM EST

From what I have read of Vaccinium membranaceum, it can be a tricky plant to cultivate from seeds, or cuttings. I was wanting to experiment with various grafting of V membranaceum to rootstocks but have no idea how to determine compatible rootstocks to graft to. Do you have any suggestions where to start?? Thank you for your time. The lippke's

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

Grafting may be an option, but the attached page out of "Propagation of Pacific Northwest Native Plants" (an OSU Press Publication) provides details for propagation from seed and vegetative propagation.  If you want to try grafting, anything in the Vaccinium genus is theoretically compatible, but practically speaking many Vaccinium species may not work well.  Something with a  similar growth rate is important for the graft to remain viable long-term.  I would try seed or cuttings according to the attached first though.
The Question Asker Replied February 16, 2018, 3:59 PM EST

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