
Injured tree #439888

Asked February 07, 2018, 3:28 PM EST

Our 100+ year old oak tree was hit by a vehicle yesterday resulting in several large gouges. How can we save this beautiful, old tree?
Thank you,
Jodi O'Connell

Eaton County Michigan

Expert Response

Thank you for sending the photos.  Right now, there is nothing that you need to do.  The tree will heal those wounds more effectively than anything we can do.  This summer, if we should get periods of drought (3-4 weeks without measurable rain) water the tree roots.  The most effective way to do that is to lay a soaker hose around the base, halfway between the trunk and the outer reach of the canopy (or up to the road edge) and let the hose run for several hours.  This provides a deep root watering, different than a lawn's irrigation system.  Beside that, keep an eye on it and let us know if you see anything unusual.  
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 07, 2018, 3:42 PM EST

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