
Little black flies on plants #439294

Asked January 31, 2018, 4:26 PM EST

Hi, I noticed bugs crawling in a couple of pots of anemome bulbs I was trying to force. The bulbs were good as far as I know and it was fresh potting soil in clean (hand washed with dish detergent) pots. I tried a Garden Safe brand houseplant and garden insect killer every few days for at least a couple of weeks. The active ingredients were pyrethrum and piperonyl (Sp? Tiny print on bottle). I finally dumped the plants and dirt outdoors and left the pots too to kill the bugs. Problem is, about the same time I noticed them, my husband noticed them flying around our couch in the adjacent living room! What are these things and how do I eradicate them! Thanks so much! - Jenny Blikstad

Deschutes County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Jenny,  I would need to see a photo or live samples of the insects, identify them and then make a suggestion for management.  The most common type of black  flying insects around houseplants is a fungus gnat and they are generally an indicator of too much moisture (overwatering).  Here is some additional information you can check out to see if the images of this insect match what you are seeing.  If so, read through the management, if what you are seeing is different then you will need to either take a clear photo or bring some live samples to our plant clinic for id.  
Thank you Amy. They do sound like a fungus gnat except they also seem to be living in our couch? I will see if I can get a picture of one to bring in. Thanks!
The Question Asker Replied February 01, 2018, 9:48 PM EST
If it is fungus gnats, they need decaying plant materials for a food source and to continue their life cycle, so they should soon disappear as long as they don't have another plant source for food.  

Hi Amy, I got some pictures of some dead bugs today. Do these look like fungus gnats?

The Question Asker Replied February 05, 2018, 12:55 AM EST
Hi,  The pictures are blurry when I open them up but they do look likely to be fungus gnats.  
Thank you! How do I get rid of them? They are still around my couch and my other plants. I don’t think I’ve over watered the other plants.
The Question Asker Replied February 05, 2018, 7:37 PM EST
Hi, the following information has suggested management:

Make sure the soil surface in your pots is drying out between waterings.  


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