
Redbud Bark Disease #438792

Asked January 25, 2018, 10:17 AM EST

I have a 20 ft high Redbud tree that leaves out and blooms well in the spring and summer. However, over the past couple of years, we have noticed that the outer bark appears to be peeling off. In the photos, you can see that a large spot has occurred just below where the main branch folks begin. I cannot see any obvious sap ooze or sawdust and their is no obvious woodpecker destruction of the wood. I flaked off a larger piece of the loose bark and underneath was a slight bit if white/gray fungal growth. Could you tell me what the problem is and how I can treat it. Thanks a lot and have a great day! Jeff

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

While native and beautiful, Redbuds are not very long-lived trees.
Yours seems to have a wood rot disease.  There is no good treatment to recommend to you.
We suggest just enjoying it for as long as it lasts, which could be years.


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