
Animal Tracks in Snow #4 of 4 #438013

Asked January 14, 2018, 4:35 PM EST

My name is Wanda and this is the last of 4 submissions.
The first submission includes the details of the location where these tracks were observed.

This fourth set of three baffles me. The photos are sequential continuing from set three. There appears to be a bird, maybe the same bird, maybe different. There also appears to be feather marks in one photo, some trailing marks in one, maybe some paw prints in another photo.

What baffles me is the relative neatness of the tracks. If a furred creature caught a bird I would expect to see a mess indicative of a tussle: more disturbed snow, perhaps a loose feather and some blood. If a hawk or owl caught a bird in the snow, I do not know what I would see. What I do have are fairly neat and even neat tracks in relative straight lines heading for the cover of one tree after another.

If my suspicions are incorrect please let me know and tell me why. I want to learn other identifying indicators for future use.

No more submissions.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to replies.
Wanda J. Kothlow
<personal data hidden>

Faribault County Minnesota

Expert Response

These look like owl marks to me.  You can clearly see the wings, and they would be chasing little critters for an evening snack. To be sure, I would recommend contacting your local DNR office, as I am not an expert on animal tracks.  I hope this helps.



The Question Asker Replied January 17, 2018, 1:24 PM EST

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