Indoor palm is dying #437863
Asked January 11, 2018, 5:07 PM EST
Washington County Oregon
Expert Response
Based on your picture, I think you have an areca palm tree. Interestingly enough, more houseplants have problems with too much water (too frequently and too much) which may be the case here. I found this comprehensive palm care article (the bulk of houseplant research at universities has more to do with indoor air quality, rather than care of the plants.) During the winter and fall you can water substantially less and should not be fertilizing at all. However, the pest problems could be resultant from low humidity so if you could move your humidifier close to the plant (or purchase a small one for the plant) that might help. Watch for new growth to start around March and at that point you could increase watering. It may be worthwhile to purchase an inexpensive moisture gauge to help you learn how wet the soil is. Relative to light, if the plant is getting direct light through the window, it may be getting too much light that can contribute to bleaching and browning.