
Colorado "Master Naturalist" program? #437020

Asked December 27, 2017, 2:47 PM EST

I recently learned that Idaho has a "Master Naturalist" program. It seems to be modeled on the Master Gardener program administered by the Extension, but is focused on knowledge of local plants, animals, and ecosystems and looks to be administered by the state's fish and game department. In looking around, it seems like other states have similar programs, but I found only somewhat similar programs in Colorado; one offered by the Audubon Society, and the other restricted to Fort Collins.

Does the Colorado Extension or the Colorado Parks and Wildlife do something similar anywhere other than Fort Collins? If not, are there plans to create/expand such a program? Thank you.

Denver County Colorado

Expert Response


Thanks for your question about the Master Naturalist program. You are correct that there are only two of those programs in Colorado sponsored by the Audubon Society and city of Ft. Collins. The closest program that CSU Extension has to the Master Naturalist program is the Native Plant Master (NPM) program. It looks like you are in Denver and there is a NPM Program that covers Denver, Gilpin, Jeffco and Clear Creek County called the Metro to Mountain NPM Program. I'm the manager of that program and I'd be glad to send you our latest class list to be published in January if you'd like to enter your email address at this link:<personal data hidden>. Each year, we have 20 or so wonderful classes covering native plants, alien invasives, sustainable landscaping using natives and we hope to move into more programming about pollinators and rare plants of Colorado. The program includes an optional volunteer track if you'd like to become a certified Native Plant Master volunteer or a Colorado Flora Certificate track if you'd like to be certified for you knowledge after taking three of our NPM certification courses. Learn more at

An Ask Extension Expert Replied December 29, 2017, 7:19 PM EST

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