
Dark Green Glass type rock #434318

Asked November 11, 2017, 2:09 PM EST

I found this farming turning a cornfield several years ago. Any idea what it could be? It’s not near any bed of water or volcanos. It caught my eye shining out of the ground.

Henry County Illinois

Expert Response

Thank you for sending the pictures to us at eXtension. That is a fabulous find!

I personally have no skills in geology, nor can I find any geologist listed in eXtension. I would therefore suggest that you forward these pictures to some of the Purdue University geology staff, in hopes they can ID this for you. I would start with the following:

Darryl Granger: <personal data hidden>
Nathaniel Lifton:  <personal data hidden>
Terry West: <personal data hidden> 

I truly don't know if any of these staff members can help you; however, please let them know, in your email, that I suggested you contact them.  It may not help, but as my mother says, "It couldn't hurt!".
An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 20, 2017, 12:06 PM EST

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