
Winery. Can I make kombucha under Michigan law? #433592

Asked November 03, 2017, 1:27 AM EDT

I have a TTB- and MLCC-licensed winery. Am I legally allowed to produce and sell kombucha under Michigan law? It's really hard to find information/resources on this.

Kalamazoo County Michigan

Expert Response

Following is some information from one of our Extension Educators Thomas Todaro:


Information in the following link can point the producer in the right direction : .

From the link, I gathered 3 important facts to get started:

1.     Federal Law states that any beverage with Alcohol by Volume (ABV) > 0.5% is legally considered alcohol, and a permit is required from the federal government.

2.     If the Kombucha producer brews a product with ABV > 0.5% and dilutes it with water so ABV < 0.5%, then a federal permit is still required.

3.     If the Kombucha producer keeps the ABV < 0.5% through the entire process, then no permit is required. <- This needs further investigation

Because I only have a basic understanding of Kombucha law, I recommend to please read the above website link on Kombucha Law (June, 2016) to fully understand, and continue researching this matter before significant financial investment.

Gwyn Shelle Replied November 07, 2017, 8:04 AM EST

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