
Maple tree with split bark on trunk #432667

Asked October 24, 2017, 7:21 PM EDT

I have a sick 10-11" diameter maple tree (~30' tall) on my lawn between the street and the sidewalk. The tree has developed a half inch deep split in the bark on its SW side that runs the full height of the trunk (about 6') up to the first branches. I want to know how I should treat the split to best ensure that it does not increase and/or kill the tree. I have attached some photos showing the problem. The full length of the split is difficult to see in the larger photos. Thank you for your help, Bob

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

This appears to be a stem canker disease. Stem canker problems can develop as a result of stem injury such as sunscald, winter injury, or wounding. Sunscald and winter injury often occur on the south to southwest facing side of the stem. If it is a canker fungus, treatment options depend on the specific fungus involved. In many cases, cankers on the main stem ultimately lead to tree removal since it is hard to restore the aesthetic qualities even if the tree recovers from the disease. You may want to pursue further diagnosis and treatment options with an arborist.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 25, 2017, 3:08 PM EDT

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