
Cedar tree disease identification #432215

Asked October 20, 2017, 5:10 PM EDT

In and near our private property just outside Foster (Sweet Home area) Oregon, we have noticed something dramatic and new this fall. Suddenly many, if not most, of our cedar trees are having portions of branches die and turn brown. These portions are throughout the tree and right amongst (what appears to be) healthy green portions. A few trees have become mostly brown, but at this point, most are less than half brown. Many of the trees do have a lot of lichen/moss. Nearby douglas firs, deciduous trees and other plants seem unaffected.

Linn County Oregon

Expert Response


Thanks for the question, and especially the photos.  What you are seeing is referred to as cedar flagging, and is the normal seasonal shedding of foliage.  Yes, cedars are evergreen, but evergreens don't hang on to their needles forever, but typically hold their needles for several years, then drop the older ones.  Cedars do this each fall. 

I blame the weather, since (until recently) it has been pretty nice, and people have been out and about and noticing it a lot this year.  Or maybe they are turning brown, but just not dropping as quickly as some years (we have a great display of maple foliage this year too).  In any case, seems we have been getting more than the usual number of calls about it this year.



Brad Withrow-Robinson Replied October 23, 2017, 11:32 AM EDT

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