
Advise about Landscaping of an Easement with Powerline #432195

Asked October 20, 2017, 3:03 PM EDT

I have a power line to the west side of a roadway that is on my property but is also subject to county modifications (I believe it's called an easement.) if they want to widen the roadway or do something with the power line. I would like to have some kind of landscaping done that would keep volunteer weeds and trees from growing under the power line, but need to keep the cost very low (less than $1,000). To make things worse, there is a slope to land that makes it difficult to mow. OK... so, I can someone to come in to chop down the trees, but they keep coming up. (... been there, done that.) I can use "Round-up" every so many months, but I'd rather not. Do you happen to have any sources, brainy students, volunteers, and/or professionals who might be able to help transform approximately 100 feet by 20 feet into something that's low maintenance, can provide access to power line, low expense, and pleasant to the eye? It would be nice to use native plants and be useful for wildlife, the soil is rather thin with lots of rocks below (I've tried to put in wild-flowers, bushes, and day lilies... they get overgrown by weeds. Rose of Sharon did grow along the road edge, but the angle wasn't pleasant to the eye.) Is there anything that you'd suggest?

Washington County Maryland

Expert Response

This sounds challenging.  You will have to operate within whatever constraints are set forth by the easement you mentioned. You may need to contact your county planning dept. We do not make site visits and there are no students to tackle this project.

Here are some thoughts. You can contact local landscapers for a site visit and the best way to proceed. You will need a plan. Take into  account light, soil, deer issues, and weed control.  
Here is our website on native plants, native plant nurseries,
and a publication on native plants 'Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat & Conservation Landscaping'

 You can also consider a meadow planting but this will take some time, effort, and expense.  Here is a meadow publication that is helpful

Good preparation is necessary and weed removal. A good time to plant is spring. Begin by testing the soil. Here is our soil testing page, which includes links/videos of how to take a sample, and a list of labs which can complete the testing for you:

Try to use native plants. Ernst Seed Company out of Pennsylvania has a nice selection of seed mixtures which can benefit birds and pollinators


Thank you for the useful plant information!
The Question Asker Replied November 02, 2017, 10:31 PM EDT

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