
Worried about maple tree #430487

Asked October 09, 2017, 10:07 AM EDT

Hi, I have a question about a maple tree in our front yard. For the most part it looks fine, but my wife and I noticed recently that there are a few scattered branches that look dead and have no leaves on them. One branch in particular (the one in the photos) has white blotches covering the entire length of it. Should we be worried about our tree? Thanks for your help!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

I believe it is time to have a certified arborist clean up your tree. The branch you show me has mushrooms growing on it. That is never a good sign. They usually indicate internal rot. Just because some branches are dead does not mean the entire tree is in trouble but an arborist would be able to evaluate your tree and let you know. If it just some dead branches, they can be removed. You can find an arborist by visiting this web site and clicking on Find An Arborist. You can put in your zip code:

Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied October 09, 2017, 12:48 PM EDT

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