
Emerald Green Arborvitae #429226

Asked September 29, 2017, 12:27 PM EDT

Good Afternoon, I have a customer that has a problem with EGA they bought a year ago. I asked if they could look for out of the ordinary symptoms that may be on the branches or bark. The damage is in somewhat of a spiral pattern. Conifers have a spiral vascular system, correct?.. Could this just be winter damage? Could it be cankers? I know that it's normal for them to drop old branchlets at this time too; but this case seems to be something more. I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks, Caroline

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

This could be several things. I would like to see a plant sample to really make a proper diagnosis. Yes it could be cankers, it does not seem to to be insects or abiotic. If you can bring in a sample.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 29, 2017, 1:46 PM EDT

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