
False Kyllinga #429159

Asked September 28, 2017, 8:38 PM EDT

Our lawn is being overrun with, what I think, is false kyllinga. We have large areas that are wet and smaller areas were water commonly runs, It has a yellowish/green color, grows about the same as our regular grass, unlike nut sedge, which we also have; it looks like miniature nut sedge, with the same shape to it's leaves. It's now sprouting their familiar little flower spurs. What would be the best way to get rid of it, and with what? I was told to use Roundup, a pre-emergence or Dismiss. Thanks 

Chester County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

Based on the picture provided it does appear to be Kyllinga which can be difficult to  eradicate. It thrives in wet, moist soils which were prevalent during July, August and mid September.  
The only selective herbicide that may work is Dismiss.  Roundup will work but it is not selective and will kill all areas that come into contact with it. 
I've included a link to a publication that may be useful in understanding and treating the Kyllinga.                          

Rick  Replied October 08, 2017, 9:14 PM EDT

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