
Volunteer Flower Shrub #422667

Asked August 21, 2017, 10:00 PM EDT

Can someone identify this 4 foot tall shrub which found it's way in my flower garden? The flowers have a faint pansy or rose fragrance. There are tiny hairs on stems not visible in photo.The flower resembles a Geranium Psilostemon, however the leaves are different. Is it an Oak Leaf Geranium? If so, what is it's Latin name.

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

You have a mallow plant, genus Malva in the Malvacae family. Mallows look very much like geraniums, their leaves and flowers look quite similar.  However, when you take a closer look inside the flowers there are differences.  Mallows have a central drumstick-shaped column with fused staminal filaments, (like a hollyhock), that surround the pistil.  The mallow fruit looks a bit like a cheese round, giving the plant the name "Cheese weed". This article gives more information on mallow characteristics. Plants of the Mallow Family  Your specific mallow may be the common mallow, Malva neglecta or  Malva sylvestris, the wood or high mallow.

Geranium flowers follow the geranium (crane-bill) pattern with a single pistil surrounded with stamens.  The top of the pistil is narrow, and it widens down into the ovary.  As the pistil matures it looks like a crane's head.  The 10 stamens surround the pistil.  This article will allow you to compare geraniums and mallows,  Plants of the Geranium Family

Geraniums tend to grow and flower in the spring.  Mallows grow at this time of the year. 

Mallows are tough plants and form a tough tenacious tap root.  To control them remove them when they are small, before the root becomes woody.  They seem to be resistant to most herbicides.  They also readily reseed.


Anne, OSU Extension Master Gardener Replied August 22, 2017, 10:38 PM EDT

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