
Chokecherry Tree Leaves Problem #422546

Asked August 21, 2017, 12:52 PM EDT

Hello, I have been looking online for similarities with the problems my chokecherry tree is having but I've had no luck. Essentially what is happening is the leaves are covered in white, mossy splotches (not worm cocoons though, it looks more fungal) and they are curling up and getting very wrinkly. Edit: I have had problems with Blacknot in the past but so far it has not resurfaced and the branches of the tree look perfectly healthy. 

County Outside United States

Expert Response

White powdery surface on leaves can indicate powdery mildew, which is indeed a fungal infection. Once it appears, there is nothing to stop it for this year. Be sure to remove all the leaf debris when the leaves fall and clean up the area very carefully. The plant looks like it's in a wide-open space (thank you for the range of images!), so it should have good air circulation, but it is also very dense. So you might consider some thinning next year to ensure air moves through the tree well. The tree is too large to spray with a fungicide, but if it were smaller a regular spray of a fungicide next year before  symptoms appear would help. However, these things are often related to weather in a particular season, and with different wind and rain patterns next year may not be a problem.
For this year, don't worry about it. It is late in the season and any leaf loss will not harm the plant at this point. Just clean up really well in the fall. It'll be fine!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 02, 2017, 8:41 AM EDT

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