
Bug on vegetable leaves #419935

Asked August 08, 2017, 9:24 AM EDT

Can you identify the bug in this picture? It's about an inch long, black with one white stripe going vertically down its body. I have seen three or four of them in the garden so far. There are many small holes in my vegetable plant leaves, especially the eggplant, Can this bug be responsible? If it is not beneficial, can you suggest some controls? Thanks.

Charles County Maryland

Expert Response

The insects are blister beetles.  There is only one generation a year, and though they feed on many vegetable crops, their favorite is potatoes. Still, their numbers are rarely high enough for you to notice damage.  Some years their populations soar. In that case, wear gloves or use a hand broom to protect skin and knock them into a container of soapy water. Pyrethrum or neem may be applied to damaging populations. 
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