
Trying to identify a lawn weed #418374

Asked August 01, 2017, 9:36 AM EDT

Can you please help me identify this weed and if there is a way to eliminate it.

New Castle County Delaware

Expert Response


From the picture, it looks like the weed is  black medic (Medicago lupulina) - also known as yellow trefoil - which is a low growing, crawling summer annual.  It's a common lawn weed found throughout the United States.

Resembling, and often confused with clover, it is easily identified by its yellow flowers and leaf arrangement. Take a close look at the leaflets, you'll notice that the middle leaflet has a short stalk, while the lateral leaflets are attached close to the petiole.

It's a summer annual, spread by new seed every spring, and it favored by hot dry weather. For control, pull what you can before it flowers. Treat with a broad leaf herbicide such a 2,4 D or dicamba or triclopyr. You can overseed your lawn in the fall to get a good dense stand of turfgrass. In the spring, apply a pre-emergent lawn herbicide when the forsythia blooms, that will control the new seedlings.

Thank you for contacting Cooperative Extension,


An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 07, 2017, 4:41 PM EDT

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