
Dwarf Alberta Spruce: One Side Turning Orange #418338

Asked July 31, 2017, 10:39 PM EDT

This is an older Dwarf Alberta Spruce (As you can see, it is huge.  Well over 6 ft).  Every year, it gets watered and gets Miracle Gro food occasionally along with the rest of the flowers in the flower bed. When the snow melted this spring, we had lost a few side branches to damage of some sort (which I cut out).  Perhaps, it was old insect damage of some sort. Now, it is July.  One half of the bush is dying off and turning orange.  Any ideas as to the cause?  It is weird that it would be half.  Any solution other than removing the shrub?

Livingston County Michigan

Expert Response

Dwarf Alberta spruce are particularly susceptible to winter damage from ice and snow, although it generally shows up earlier in the year than July. I notice that the portion that has died is next to the house. Reflected heat can make the injury worse. Prune out the dead branches, and allow the area to fill back in. perhaps consider wrapping your Alberta spruce with burlap next winter to protect it.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 01, 2017, 10:44 AM EDT

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