
What's eating my hostas?! #418129

Asked July 31, 2017, 12:03 PM EDT

These holes in my hosta leaves occur every year. These hostas are on the west side of house. The hostas on east side do not have holes! What is it and what do I do? Thank you!!

Crow Wing County Minnesota

Expert Response

My guess would be slugs. There must be a better environment for the slugs on the side with the damage than on the other side. Look for places where they can hide: under mulch or debris, under rocks or boards. Note your watering practices - slugs like wet environments. You can verify it is slugs by laying down a board overnight to trap some. Also look for slime trails.

There are many (some successful, some not so much) control options. Read here:
Dennis in St. Louis Park Replied July 31, 2017, 1:33 PM EDT

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