
Barberry question #415937

Asked July 21, 2017, 4:35 PM EDT

We have a few different types of barberry bushes in our front yard. I've noticed that midway through the summer it looks like something is eating the leaves. Either a bug or fungus. I'm wondering if you could help diagnose the problem and help us find a solution. I have attached pictures.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for the question.  It looks like a caterpillar has chewed the edges of the leaves.  You can't treat the problem unless you know what it is so I suggest you scout your shrubs very carefully.  Look under the leaves and on the stems, including the base of the plant.  It might be helpful to scrape away some of the rock to look for pests. 
Barberry looper is a colorful caterpillar that is know to feed on the shrub all summer.  Read more here:

Thank you for contacting Extension.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 23, 2017, 9:57 AM EDT
Thanks for your response. I have looked over the plants and the ground the only bugs I can find are box elder bugs and pill bugs. When looking at them again I am noticing some of the leaves have a transparent section like maybe it's a fungus eating the plant or maybe too much sun? I attached more photos. Also since I emailed you last 3 of my bushes are now leafless. 
The Question Asker Replied July 24, 2017, 5:35 PM EDT

It's possible that your shrubs are being attacked by both insect and disease but the leaves with the clearly eaten margins are being eaten by an insect, probably a caterpillar.  The photo of the plant with no leaves show leaves eaten down to the base.  Barberry prefer partial sun so if they are in full sun, it's possible there is some leave scorch.  Typically barberry are quite resistant to disease and insect pests.  Please review our publication on possible problems with barberry to see if you can identify any other issues:
Another option is to send a sample to the University of Minnesota Plant Disease Clinic:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 24, 2017, 10:18 PM EDT

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