
What is eating my Datura plant? #414537

Asked July 16, 2017, 8:28 AM EDT

I found these larvae in a neat row, munching on the edge of a Datura leaf. I wonder what they are. It looks like they may have shed skins at the backside (or maybe it's just frass?), and the shape makes me think they may be beetles? Thanks for your help, Carol Senske 3077 Knockel Rd Green Lane, PA 18054

Montgomery County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

The picture you submitted suggests that it is either an emerging caterpillar or bettle since both have less than 5 pairs of abdominal legs. The appearance of a hard brown shell suggests a bettle but the lack of any significant markings doesn't allow me to make a specific identification. I would suggest continued observation and resubmit if additional information or appearance changes. If the damage continues I would suggest hand picking unless the infestation is extensive.
Rick  Replied July 18, 2017, 8:34 AM EDT

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