
Little black bugs creeped me out what are they #412795

Asked July 09, 2017, 3:34 AM EDT

From one day to another we've been infested with tiny black Bugs that fly they they like to hide in the curtains and behind pictures frames there was around 50 or so of them just crawling around every where

County Idaho

Expert Response

Those are elm seed bugs, a fairly new insect to Idaho. They are related to box elder bugs and are plant feeders. They don't do any damage inside the home and don't carry any diseases, so they are mainly just an annoyance. The best thing to do inside your home is to just vacuum them up. You should try and determine how they are gaining entrance into your home and then take steps to seal these points of entrance with caulking or other sealing materials. Commercially available sticky traps can also be used inside the home to capture these insects.

Outside your home, you can use several broadspectrum insecticides to try and control them. Beta-cyfluthrin (Tempo) should do a good job in controlling them in areas where they congregate. Some other possibilities include: cypermethrin and deltamethrin. 
The Question Asker Replied July 27, 2017, 10:59 AM EDT

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