
Plant identification and what to do about a mole or vole. #410289

Asked June 27, 2017, 6:44 PM EDT

We back up to a wetland area, and we have some different shrubbery growing on the edge about which I am curious. The first two photos are of a plant of which the fruit when fully ripe looks like a wild blueberry. The third photo is of another plant that surrounds the "blueberry" bush. Third, we have what appears to be a lot of mole tunnels. Is there an environmentally safe deterrent/removal method? Would love to have an owl visit us. Thank you, Christy

St. Mary's County Maryland

Expert Response

The shrub with the white, spike-like flowers looks like a pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia)

In the first two photos, we can't quite tell if the blue berries are emerging from a shrub with the rounded leaves, or if they are coming from a vine. There is also a stem with thorns. It looks like there are several different plants mixed in close together. Would you be able to send us photos that show more clearly the specific plant that has the berries? If you could pull out a piece that shows how the berries are attached to the stem (and the type of leaves attached to the stem), that would help us with identification. We look for arrangement of leaves along the stem (alternate or opposite), leaf shape, and stem characteristics.

Adding more photos.
The Question Asker Replied June 28, 2017, 8:54 PM EDT
 I added two more  photos.  Following the link that you posted for the pepperbush, I decided to check huckleberries .  Blue huckleberries looks like a strong contender.  Still will await your opinion.   Huckleberries were my first thought , because I the plants themselves Did not resemble the highbush or lowbush blueberries that I have picked before.

Thank you.
The Question Asker Replied June 28, 2017, 9:01 PM EDT
Nice catch. We agree with you that this looks like a blue huckleberry.

As for the moles, take a look at our publication Nuisance Wildlife at this link:


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