
Amber ooze on ornamental plum tree #409776

Asked June 25, 2017, 10:01 PM EDT

Here are the pictures of the tree to the question previously titled 'amber ooze on ornamental plum tree.' It is just getting worse and worse. Please advise of the best time to cut down the tree if that is what is necessary. Thank you for your time and attention.

Washington County Maryland

Expert Response

mhWe viewed your photos.  The tree looks like it has narrow crotch angles and does not have a good branch structure.  There is branch dieback and the ooze may be from possible insect damage we cannot say for sure.  
The ornamental plum is not a long lived tree in general. The tree will continue to limp along. If the tree is a hazard you should remove it. If it is providing some benefits such as shade, you can leave and remove once it has dropped its foliage.   
Here is a helpful publication on When to Remove A Tree  

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