
Leaning Elm with storm/wind damage #408733

Asked June 21, 2017, 11:12 AM EDT

Should I spray pruning paint on the 3 x 7" wound from torn limb of last week, Photo 1? Do you recommend staking this 4 year old Elm to be more upright? Nearby huge Ash has been cut back for more light & room. Property is on hill & prevailing wind bends tree toward my house, Photos 2-3.

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Covering tree wounds with paint or other material is no longer considered beneficial except in rare circumstances. However, it is advisable to trim the torn bark to create smooth wound edges.
Learn more here:

Given the nature and extent of the damage, consider asking a certified arborist or forester to inspect the tree onsite and recommend a course of action.

 Straightening the tree is desirable but a tree care professional's help may be needed to do it properly.

If you decide to hire an arborist, this information may be useful:

How to hire a professional arborist to help care for your landscape trees

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 21, 2017, 3:06 PM EDT

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