
Is this poison sumac? #407493

Asked June 15, 2017, 10:00 PM EDT

Something in my yard is giving me classic poison ivy rash, but I can't find poison ivy anywhere, so I'm starting to wonder about poison sumac, which I'm not very familiar with. I've found a weed growing among my tea which I THINK does not match what I'm seeing online for poison sumac, but I'm just not sure. Is this weed poison sumac?

Lancaster County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

Here is a link to a description and picture of poison sumac. You can compare your plant and see if it matches up. The important thing is that poison sumac, in addition to being rare, has a compound leaf with seven to thirteen leaflets per stem. You plant looks like it has leaves in pairs rather than a leaflet.
Various weeds can cause rashes because they have chemistry that is intended to drive away predators. You should always wear gloves and long sleeves when you are touching unfamiliar plants. As a collector of plant specimen, I have had many a run in with plant toxins.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 17, 2017, 2:42 PM EDT

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