
Yellow flowering weed in my grass #406222

Asked June 11, 2017, 4:08 PM EDT

Hello I have a yellow flowering weed all over my yard and I cannot get it to go away. Its spreading everywhere. It has 5 yellow petals and some green leaves. Can you identify this and tell me how to get rid of it? I've attached two photos. Thanks so much. I'm 86 years old and do my own gardening.

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Your photos were out of focus and we could not see the foliage of the weed and the flower clearly. Based on your description, it is possible the weed may be oxalis.  Go to our website and view photos and control information.
If this is not what you are noticing,  then you can send additional photos in focus.  You may need to dig the weeds with the flowers and place on a piece of white typing paper. 

Also, If your lawn is over 50% weeds,  then you may want to consider total lawn renovation late summer /early fall.  See our publication and video


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