
Dappled Willow has not leafed out yet - by middle of May #399968

Asked May 15, 2017, 10:12 AM EDT

Our Dappled Willow still has no leaves and just tiny, dried up buds. The tips of all the branches seem to be brittle although some of the branches are still pliable closer to the trunk. We did have a late frost a few weeks ago when the buds were forming, so I'm assuming that is the problem. We are wondering if the tree is dead or just not going to have leaves this year because of the frost? Or perhaps will leaf out later? We planted the tree in April 2015 and it has done wonderfully until now. Is there anything we can do at this point to save it? I appreciate any information you can provide as I can't find anything on line about the long term results of a late freeze.

Crow Wing County Minnesota

Expert Response

The late freeze should not slow your tree up. However, dappled willow might not be hardy enough for your area. Also, many problems that occurred at planting time don't appear until the tree is two or three years old, so perhaps you are seeing such issues.

If you scrape away the outer bark on a twig, you should see green underneath. Twigs should be flexible. However, if the twig is brittle and brown throughout, it is dead. Willows are slow to leaf out, which is another thing to consider.

All you can do is keep the tree hydrated in dry spells and wait and see.
Dennis in St. Louis Park Replied May 16, 2017, 12:25 PM EDT
We will keep watching it and hoping for growth.  If it does not get any leaves this year, is there a chance it may recover next spring, or is it done? There are some green branches still closer to the trunk so we will wait awhile and keep it watered but it doesn't look very promising.
The Question Asker Replied May 30, 2017, 5:35 PM EDT
If it does not leaf out this year it will not survive another winter.  It may still leaf out this year.  Other trees have been very slow to leaf out, they need sustained warm weather and we have not had that yet.

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