
25 year old jade root ball #396708

Asked April 29, 2017, 12:07 PM EDT

my giant indoor jade plant started showing sever dehydration issues local master gardeners examined a chunk told me not disease, their answer it was root bound when I finally got it out of the pot it was all root. I have taken taken cuttings to start new plants and now have a much smaller root ball with solid large stalks, do I cut them way back and get rid of all the foliage or do I need to leave some? How close to the ground? Thank you Debi

County Oregon

Expert Response

Thanks for your question about your jade plant, Debi.  I'm not sure if you're concerned that you need to cut off some of the branches because they're drooping, or because you're worried the roots can't sustain the foliage that's left.  Here's a link to a short article about pruning drooping branches, and a second one addressing the aesthetic issue.  These plants are so hardy, that the reduced root ball will handle the foliage, especially if you replanted it in new soil so the new roots can grow to take in more nutrients.

Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 01, 2017, 6:26 PM EDT

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