
Weed identification #395800

Asked April 25, 2017, 7:50 AM EDT

I have a invasive weed that can grow quite tall if left alone. The roots 'travel' so the plant has been popping up everywhere. It has a broad, veiny leaf and a hollow stem. I have no idea how to get rid of it since pulling it out does not work. What is this stuff and how do I get rid of it?

Bucks County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

That is mile a minute vine. Here is a quote from Cornell University Extension on controlling it.
"Mile-a-minute weed can be controlled with commonly used herbicides in moderate doses. The challenge with herbicides is mile-a-minute’s ability to grow over the top of desirable vegetation, and spraying the foliage of only the mile-a-minute weed can be challenging. Pre-emergent herbicides (herbicides that prevent seed germination) can be used with extensive infestations, often in combination with spot treatments of post-emergent herbicides (herbicides applied to the growing plant) for seedlings that escape control. Small populations are better controlled with post-emergent herbicides"
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 27, 2017, 9:18 AM EDT

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