Can you identify this vine, #395071
Asked April 21, 2017, 2:32 PM EDT
Montgomery County Maryland
Expert Response
We think this could be either invasive porcelain berry or native wild grape, both of which look similar in their immature growth stage. Check the underside of the leaves. If there are hairs present only on the veins and not on the leaf surface, then it is probably porcelain berry. If the underside of the leaf is hairy, it is most likely wild grape. Another test would be to slice open a stem and look at the pith (the inner spongy material in the center of the stem). In porcelain berry, the pith is white; in wild grape it is brown. Here is a link to a great guide from the New York Botanical Garden on these two “look-alikes” and how to tell the difference between them (pp.28-29). Porcelain berry is invasive in our area and it is very difficult to remove once it gets established.