
Soil Amendment question #392531

Asked April 08, 2017, 10:10 AM EDT

I was in a class that Ben Beale did in Charles County a couple of weeks ago. I have the garden and lawn amendments figured out, but can't quite figure out the orchard. It's a small, multi-type trees - apples, peaches, pears, nectarines, and brambles. I have attached the soil report - can someone make some recommendations.

Charles County Maryland

Expert Response

Sounds like you did not receive any recommendations from the lab. If no recommendations were given, you can apply 25 lbs per 1000 sq ft of agricultural lime as your soil pH is low.

You will need to add phosphorus and potassium. We do not have this information on our website and we do not know the age of the trees.
We recommend that you look at the Publication from Penn State - Fruit Production for the Home Gardener.  Each fruit crop has a section on nutrients.

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