
Lawn fungus identification/treatment plan? #390837

Asked March 29, 2017, 12:51 PM EDT

Good afternoon, A local nursery referred me to your office. Attached are pictures of some type of fungus that is growing in our yard. I have not been able to identify this on the web and so I am turning to you for help. The issue has been going on for maybe 4-5 years and the number of these fungi is increasing. Initially I thought they were only in the yard, but this morning I discovered them in a flowerbed next to the yard where they grow. Size is about that of a tennis ball or maybe a little bigger. They come up above the ground about the height of a tennis ball. They then open and span out. They have a deep hard stem/root that is maybe 4-5 inches. We tried digging them out for a few years but it hasn't gotten rid of them and the number is increasing. It is only on one side of my yard that abuts to our driveway and the garage. I am not aware of any of my neighbors having this problem. We do live down hill on a cul de sac in Jefferson, MD and the subdivision was built on farm land. Any assistance you can give is greatly appreciated.

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

This looks like a type of Puffball, a mushroom(fungi). There are many types of puffballs. Like other mushrooms it is living on dead organic matter in the soil. Often there is a dead tree root decomposing under the soil which is providing the nourishment it needs. As the root breaks down, the fungi will no longer be able to live on it. It is not harmful nor is there anything you can spray or apply to get rid of it. You can simply observe them, knock them over, or dig out and dispose of in the garbage if you want.

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