
Land values #390504

Asked March 27, 2017, 4:14 PM EDT

Where do they get to values for land survey in Cass County Iowa and how many survey results do they have to compare Do they use realtors for sales or do they use auctions or both How many comparisons do they have for the year for Cass County

Iowa County Iowa

Expert Response

In total, 518 agricultural professional completed the 2016 survey, providing 711 county land value estimates. Of these 518 respondents, agricultural lenders represented the largest group, accounting for 34 percent of all respondents. Realtors/brokers, farm managers, and appraisers were the other three largest groups exceeding 10 percent of all respondents, representing 19, 15, and 11 percent of respondents, respectively.

I cannot tell you how many respondents were specifically from Cass county. The manager of the survey may be able to give you those details. You can see more information about the survey at this site, from which I excerpted the quote above, The manager is Dr. Wendong Zhang <personal data hidden><personal data hidden>

Shawn Shouse | Southwest Iowa Replied March 28, 2017, 11:10 AM EDT

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