
Pineapple plant life cycle #390289

Asked March 26, 2017, 12:16 PM EDT

I need very clear and accurate information including pictures (cross section) showing exactly what happens to the original stems Roots and stumps) and stalks of the plant, when the second (ratoon) crop is growing. Does a new stump form? Does the old stump remain intact? etc.  How long can the original plant remain intact? Or do offshoots remain intact while the original plant dies?

Ocean County New Jersey

Expert Response

Below is a link to a UH publication that should answer your question, and provides a cross section view of the pineapple plant.
The foliage from the original stump will die off as the sucker shoots develop and ultimately produce the first ratoon crop.

P.S.  I grew up in Ocean County
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 29, 2017, 3:48 PM EDT
Thank you! But my question is not yet completely answered. In the picture on page 3 of the publication to which you sent me the link,  I would like to ask a few questions. We see that the peduncle is totally fallen of and all there is left of the original plant is the stump and it's roots, and the ratoon stump is growing out of the original stump.

1. How does that match with the information in the second paragraph on page 6; "Suckers develop from axillary buds on the stem.", which indicates that the ratoons grom from the stem and not from the stump which is below ground?

2. Is the ratoon stump above ground? Or is it below ground pushing the original stump down further, while the ratoon stump develops it's own roots? Or what?

3. Since the ratoon develops it's own stump (and roots) does it need or use it's connection to the mother stump for nutrition? 

4. Will the mother stump die as the new stump thrives?

5. On page 2 under the heading ratoon crops, it says that the "first ratoon sucker development begins when the plant crop is harvested." Does that mean that only 'develop' then, but they sprouted out before that, or do the ratoons only begin to emerge from the mother plant after the original crop is harvested?

6. In other words, can ratoons continue to grow out of the mother plant for years to come? Or can there only be what began during the growth of the first crop?

If you can source this information for me as you did in the first instance, I would be ever so grateful!
The Question Asker Replied March 29, 2017, 7:30 PM EDT
Below is a link to several UH publications that may help.
  You could try locating Duane Bartholomew, the last UH pineapple researcher. He retired 20 years ago but seems to have an online presence (Facebook, Linkedin)
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 11, 2017, 10:11 PM EDT

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