
Pine Trees #390196

Asked March 25, 2017, 2:34 PM EDT

From a distance my pine trees look nice, but when I look at them from the back side you can see that the needles are dying on the inside of the tree Are my trees dying, or it is a disease or fungus?. I look forward to your reply.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Your trees are spruce. Not pine. It is normal for some of the inner branches to lose some needles as they do not receive sunlight. However, if this problem continues, you may wish to have a certified arborist evaluate the trees. Spruce are susceptible to several fungal diseases. You can visit this web page and click on the various listings to see if any of them match what you are seeing.  If you wish to contact a certified arborist visit this site and click on Find An Arborist. You can put in your zip code.
Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied March 25, 2017, 10:23 PM EDT

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