rough grass - Ask Extension
I live in Eugene. Each year I get a rougher bladed grass in my perennial rye lawn that I either cut out and replant or kill and re seed. Is there a pr...
rough grass #386093
Asked February 22, 2017, 10:38 AM EST
I live in Eugene. Each year I get a rougher bladed grass in my perennial rye lawn that I either cut out and replant or kill and re seed. Is there a product I can apply to prevent it? It grows in clumps. I dont believe it is crab grass.
Lane County Oregon
Expert Response
It sounds like tall fescue (see attached photo of tall fescue in perennial ryegrass)! Unfortunately, there is not a selective herbicide capable of providing control of this weedy grass. Cutting it out and reseeding or sodding is your best option.
I have heard in the past that there is a product by monterey that may be a commercial product that pro's can use? Is this correct?
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
it isnt exactly like the ones in the bulk of the photo, however the bottom right clump with seed heads is exactly it. Is this fescue?
could this work?
Fusilade II Herbicide
I don't think Fusilade will work. The label would suggest it is for taking warmseason turf (like bermudagrass) out off tall fescue.