
Old asparagus bed.. rebirth? #385203

Asked February 15, 2017, 8:36 AM EST

I recently moved to a home that has an old asparagus bed. I know that in the previous year some asparagus had been picked. There is a large amount of grass growing in among the plants. I was wondering do I use any type of weed killer to clean up the bed? Also what can I use to fortify the soil to increase growth, if that's possible with asparagus. Any tips would be appreciated thank you.

Gladwin County Michigan

Expert Response

There are several options for controlling weeds in asparagus including herbicides. Check out AsparagusWeedcontrol .

Fertilizing recommendations for asparagus should be based on a soil test; however, the Penn State Extension suggests that  "In absence of soil test results, the recommended N-P-K application rates are 50-100-150 pounds per acre broadcast in the spring of every year before spear emergence (asparagus-production).

Here is a good article on asparagus care Asparagus in the home garden.

I hope this is helpful,

An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 15, 2017, 8:22 PM EST

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