Best tomato - Ask Extension
What would be your favorite tomato for our area based on disease tolerance, production and taste, in that order?
Best tomato #381790
Asked January 12, 2017, 11:17 AM EST
What would be your favorite tomato for our area based on disease tolerance, production and taste, in that order?
Baltimore County Maryland
Expert Response
You came to the right place!
Last year (2016) was deemed "Year of the Tomato" here at the Home & Garden Information Center. Through our dedicated GrowIt EatIt portion of our website, and with the help of our Maryland Master Gardeners, there is more input than ever about this most popular vegetable crop.
Here is a link to some great winter reading/dreaming and planning for next season:
Last year (2016) was deemed "Year of the Tomato" here at the Home & Garden Information Center. Through our dedicated GrowIt EatIt portion of our website, and with the help of our Maryland Master Gardeners, there is more input than ever about this most popular vegetable crop.
Here is a link to some great winter reading/dreaming and planning for next season: