Arborvitae Protection from Rabbits - Ask Extension
How should protect my arborvitae from rabbits during the winter? They were newly planted 90 days ago and are 5 feet tall?
Thank you
Jerald Young
Arborvitae Protection from Rabbits #375520
Asked November 06, 2016, 3:33 PM EST
How should protect my arborvitae from rabbits during the winter? They were newly planted 90 days ago and are 5 feet tall?
Thank you
Jerald Young
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
I would suggest that you fence them off. You can use chicken wire, hardware cloth, or any fencing that will reach the ground and be tall enough to keep rabbits from walking on top of the snow and eating the upper branches. It is also very important that you keep watering your new evergreens until the ground freezes. They need to go into the winter extremely hydrated to avoid winter burn.
Thank you very much.