
Wasp, Specie? #373959

Asked October 31, 2016, 2:56 PM EDT

Hi, my friends someome know the name of this wasp, im from latino america (Venezuela) its about 2 inches length.

Thank you very much. 

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Thanks for your question.  It appears to be what is called a mud dauber wasp.  Sceliphron is a genus of Hymenoptera of the Sphecidae family of wasps, commonly referred to as mud daubers.  Probably a 
Sceliphron caementarium.  
They are solitary and build nests made of mud.  Here's a link.

Hope this is helpful!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 10, 2016, 7:46 PM EST
Wow! Thank you so much, yes it is solitary.
The Question Asker Replied November 10, 2016, 8:43 PM EST

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