
Diseased Bur Oak? #373269

Asked October 28, 2016, 12:01 PM EDT

I noticed the bark darkening at the base of my Bur Oak during the summer months, but now the bark is starting to peel.  See photo.  Can you identify what is going on?  Is there a treatment?  Will it kill the tree?

Collin County Texas

Expert Response

Probably best to call an arborist.  There are many possibilities ranging from fluctuations in watering, to past damage from a mower or weed eater (and resultant fungal infection), to compression over the root system (heavy equipment).  Generally, one would take a sterilized sharp instrument to cut around the diseased area to isolate it, but that may be best done by an expert.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 31, 2016, 11:54 AM EDT

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