
Deformed Key Lime Fruit #372262

Asked October 23, 2016, 4:55 PM EDT

I live in Rockport, Tx.  Have a Key Lime Tree in the front yard that has been producing wonderful fruit for the last 3 years. I harvested over 2,000 limes last year. This year it bloomed and produced fruit as it has in the past but approx. 15% of the fruit look like the ones in the attached photo.  They do not get as large as some of the others and the inside does not seem to be fully affected (pictures attached).  There are no worms or bugs in the fruit and it tastes like the other limes.  Can you tell me what this is and if it needs treatment. 

Aransas County Texas

Expert Response

Since the brown areas on on various places on the fruit, I think it is mechanical damage from something like a bird pecking the fruit, which opens it for a fungus to get in.  It is difficult to determine from the photo though.  Is it possible for you to bring a couple of the fruit in to the Extension office?  We are are at 892 Airport Rd (the driveway after the Transfer Station/Animal Control), and the phone number is 790-0103.
Are you fertilizing the tree regularly?  It may need some more fertilizer after last year's large crop.  A fertilizer like "Palm and Citrus Special" which has minor nutrients in addition to nitrogen, spread under the canopy area of the tree would be beneficial.  Also, with the dry weather we've been having, a thorough watering every 10 days is recommended.  
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 27, 2016, 3:46 PM EDT

I can bring several examples of the fruit in tomorrow afternoon - most likely around 1 or so if that would ok.  

Fran Powers
The Question Asker Replied October 27, 2016, 4:26 PM EDT
Yes, that would be good.  FYI, we are closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 so anytime after 1:00 is fine.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 27, 2016, 5:02 PM EDT

Sorry to have missed you last Friday.  I left the limes and a filled out form at the reception desk.  Have you had a chance to look them over and any conclusion as to what's up with my key lime tree?

The Question Asker Replied November 02, 2016, 12:19 PM EDT
Hello Fran,
Yes, I got the limes; I meant to email you yesterday-sorry, my schedule got away from me.
I'm not sure what is causing this so am waiting to hear back from a couple of our fruit specialists.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 02, 2016, 3:37 PM EDT

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