
Rhododendron problem #370057

Asked October 14, 2016, 4:17 PM EDT

Hello, There are some drooping leaves on the plant. It is about 5 yrs old. The plant has been doing very well until recently when more leaves are droopy. At first I thought it was normal die back for new foliage. 2 yrs ago I had a similar problem with a well established 8 yr old plant. At first I thought it might have to do with not getting enough water when the ground was freezing. Eventually I cut it way back and got some regrowth on the plant. A photo of that plant is also attached. Both are planted under Pines on the East side of an end unit townhouse so they are not subject to hot sun for any extended period. Thank you for your assistance.

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Thanks for your rhododendron plant question.  Your plant appears to be generally healthy--no turning yellow, meaning lack of nitrogen.  But drooping leaves are a sigh of a lack of water.    You shouldn't have "die back" of new foliage.  It is fortunate that you have them planted under pines, because Rhodies need acidic soil, which pine needles provide.  Here's a link to a very helpful article about rhododendron care in your area.

Hope this is helpful!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 16, 2016, 8:10 PM EDT

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