
Catalpa Tree problem #369682

Asked October 12, 2016, 5:56 PM EDT

I have a young 12' Catalpa tree that has damage to it's leaves. (See image) The leaves have puckered and thickened. Is it environmental or some disease? I first noticed it this spring, which stunted the new growth but has since pushed out new leaves and growth. Now the new leaves appear to have the same problem. We did have our lawn sprayed with broad leaf herbicide in the spring and this fall, but the fella who did it is usually very careful. I don't see damage like that on nearby Pear trees or young oak.

Dallas County Iowa

Expert Response

find out what he used, when he sprayed, and what the temperatures were like from the day he / she sprayed and for the next three days. 

i will do a little more digging to see about catalpa.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 19, 2016, 12:29 PM EDT
On looking back in my notes: We had our lawn sprayed in April - before the Catalpa leafed out so the damage did not correspond to that spraying. The date when I first noticed the leaves was June 8th. In my records, June 5th was when the co-op sprayed the corn field with, probably, roundup. That field is directly south of our lawn where the catalpa stands. I can't find the temperatures for those days, although the National Weather Service probably has it on their website if you know where to look. I can't be positive I am seeing new damage, I don't often see this tree up close. I've added another view of damaged leaves. Thanks for any insight you can offer.
The Question Asker Replied October 21, 2016, 6:16 PM EDT
that really looks like a herbicide growth regulator damage. i would bet dicamba, or a 2,4,D type herbicide. the curling and thickening of the veins looks suspect. i think the best and only think to do is wait and see next year. if you are concerned about potential litigation i would call IDALS pesticide bureau and they can collect samples etc and test them for residuals.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 26, 2016, 2:07 PM EDT

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