
Carpenters bees and vinyl fencing #368253

Asked October 06, 2016, 2:07 PM EDT

I am throwing this 'Hail Mary' your folks' way, as I can't find a proper answer anywhere on the web. My Q. Can carpenter bees chew perfectly-circular holes through vinyl fencing? Background: I have carpenter bees: they have hit some unprotected wood under my eaves. The males 'guard' those 1/2" holes. But, I also have several perfectly round holes in my vinyl fence, and they are are more like 1 to 2 inches in diameter. Plus - there are male carpenter bees seemingly 'guarding' the entire perimeter of this fence. When I mow the grass, they often land on my hands, although they haven't bitten me yet. I don't think I want to find out how hard a wood-chewing bee bites! My personal two cents on this is that maybe there are wood slats running both vertically and horizontally inside the vinyl fence. Possibly, there are some exposed areas underneath (I can't tell - the fence hugs the ground), and the bees start there, drill vertically and then chew horizontally through the vinyl to egress. I hope you can shed some light on this issue. My interest is not simply a hard question about how to deal with these guys. Truth is, I am somewhat of a rarity in that I love all nature and, like the famous Dr. Albert Schweitzer, "I try not to step on ants." (I reason: If we have a 'God particle' that is so tiny we can only 'see' it by the movements of the sub-atomic particles around it, then what might be going on in the brain of an ant, which is trillions of times larger?" :) At any rate, I love all nature. I have two little critters that I live in complete symbiotic bliss with, 1) the "common house centipede" and (I'm pretty sure it's) 2) a "funnel spider", and of course the monster-sized spiders 'guarding' my porch lights outside. The centipedes come upstairs whenever it rains, and they sweep my house clean of all the not-so desirable little critters. Not to mention that both the centipede and the funnel spider are awesome to look at and watch. The centipedes remind me of little top-fuel dragsters, how they freeze, and then take off like maniacs. :) Their appendages are nothing short of resplendent. Hoping you'll take interest in the subject of (alleged plastic chewing bees), thanks for 'listening', and I'll look forward to any info you can come up with. Ken F. (The attached Centy Centinal ad is of my making, but the data is correct. :)

Lycoming County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

Carpenter bees make their homes in wood, so if you have carpenter bees in the vicinity, they are likely laying eggs in wood/a wooden product nearby. They should not be creating new holes in the vinyl, and the diameter of these holes that you mentioned in the vinyl is greater than what you see associated with carpenter bees.

As for stings and bites, carpenter bees do neither. They only appear aggressive as a defense.

Make sure what you have are carpenter bees and not resin bees. Resin bees may occupy holes already made. See the following links for Fact Sheets that have more information: ,
The Question Asker Replied October 07, 2016, 1:22 PM EDT

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