
jade butterfly tree ideal conditions? #366722

Asked September 29, 2016, 6:42 PM EDT

I have a young jade butterfly gingko tree in a large pot...want to put it in the ground. What is it's ideal site/soil/sun/moisture for this area? It doesn't seem very happy so far. We live in NW Corvallis. Thanks!

Benton County Oregon

Expert Response

Your tree is a dwarf variety gingko that should will get between 12-15 feet high and about 10 feet wide. You should choose a location that allows for this size of tree.  The variety indicates that it is a male tree so you will not have to worry about the sticky, stinky fruit being dropped from it down the road. Anywhere with the following conditions should be OK; full sun and well-drained soil.  This is a good time of year to plant trees; allowing the roots to get established before the cold weather.  If our rains do not keep the soil moist be sure to water it weekly for the first year.  This will be especially important the first year it is in the ground.  The information I found on this variety of gingko is that it is especially sensitive to hot weather and may need additional water during especially hot and dry weather that we sometimes get during our summer months.  Happy gardening!

D.Lauer Benton County Master Gardener Replied September 30, 2016, 3:50 PM EDT

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