
Spider cocoon? #365606

Asked September 25, 2016, 11:34 AM EDT

I took my window air conditioner down this morning and there were small spiders dead on top of other area that sticks out of the window. I blew them off thinking they were dead babies. But when I sat the AC on the floor to wipe it there were hard cocoons lined up full of hundreds of baby spiders that all looked alike!! What are these?? I have never seen anything like it! The cocoons were cone shaped. I was creeped out so I vacuumed them up right away and sprayed bug killer. The pictures are of what's left and a picture I found online of exactly what I saw but like 10 cocoons!!

Cuyahoga County Ohio

Expert Response

Wow!  Neat!!  What you have found are mud dauber wasp nests.  These are solitary wasps that don't build large paper colonies or hives.  What they do is create mud galleries, like you see there.  They then sting and paralyze large numbers of spiders, which they stuff into the galleries.  After the galleries are nearly filled, the female will lay an egg at the top of each.  When the wasp larva hatches out (that's the white, grub-like thing you see in the 2nd picture), it has all these paralyzed spiders to feed on.  About the time it runs out of spiders, it's time to pupate and then emerge as an adult wasp.

Nature is pretty neat.  Gruesome...but neat!

I try to leave these alone when I find them on the side of my yard barn or in the garage, but I don't see how you could have taken care of your air conditioner and kept these things alive. 

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 26, 2016, 2:50 PM EDT

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